Here are some example fares booked by JetNsave. Prices are in USD and may vary based on availability.
All fares displayed are in USD and include all taxes, fees and applicable surcharges. All prices are 'from' per person, based on business and first class weekday travel and depend on the chosen class of service, departure city, airline and route (lowest transatlantic fares are usually from the East Coast; transpacific fares - from the West Coast). JetNsave is not able to identify some travel partners or itinerary details online so as not to directly compete with regular retail sales of the travel partners. Please call toll-free or email us for our current prices and all details. Savings of 20 - 60% off off are indicated off the full non-restricted published airfares of major airlines and may vary based on individual fare rules. Some airlines may impose additional baggage charges. The fares are subject to seat availability in the corresponding booking inventory. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights and dates. The fares are non-exchangeable, and non-transferable. The fares and their governing rules are subject to change without prior notice. Other restrictions may apply. Less restrictive fares are available at different rates.